The facility

Location Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
History Erected around 1999, dismantled around 2006
Structure 7.5 feet by 10 feet addition to a private home. Floor of observatory is at roof height of house. Entrance to dome is by stairs from below. Access to structure is through a bedroom door.
Dome 6 foot diameter fiberglass dome manufactured by Technical Innovations, Inc. Dome rotation is motorized. Motors are controlled by sensors mounted to the telescope assembly. As the telescope moves, so does the dome.
Telescopes Meade 12" LX-200 on an equatorial wedge. Camera: SBIG ST8XE. Guider, SBIG STV.
Computers and software A laptop computer in the dome controls the LX200 telescope and the SBIG ST8E camera. This computer in turn is controlled by a Macintosh G4 computer inside the house. (See diagram)


 Observatory during construction. Photo courtesy of my neighbor, Lisa.



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